Welcome to the online group registration form of the EAZA Annual Conference 2024
European Association of Zoos and Aquaria!

On the following pages you can book tickets for your group members as well as booth staff.

Please complete the following form carefully. You will be required to complete all boxes marked with an asterisk (*).
All other boxes may be completed to provide additional details.


Important information:

  • The registration fees are staggered as following:
    -> early bird fee: until 15 July 2024
    -> regular fee: 16 July - onsite
  • Your registration will not be confirmed until we have received your payment in full. You must complete all steps for your registration to be
  • It is not possible to save an incomplete registration and come back to it later.
  • You will receive your invoice after registration within the next working days and the VAT number provided will be displayed on the invoice. 

Please call the conference office event lab. (Leipzig, Germany) on +49 341 30 88 84-67 or
email eaza-conference@eventlab.org if you have any questions.